As part of Foot Health Week in October, the Australian Podiatry association are collating some heartfelt stories from Podiatrists to promote the amazing contribution they do to help patients in the community get back on their feet and stay healthy.

David Webby and Daniel Lewis from Kingston Beach Health Centre know how important it is to have healthy and pain free feet.
Podiatrists treat people of all ages for a range of foot conditions, but also knee, hip and back pain that may stop them walking. David says, 'We often see people over the age of 40-50, who have a debilitating pain that stops them from exercising, and thus causing other health issues, or weight gain. One of my most memorable patients had severe pain in his back and Right Hip that stopped him in his tracks. Unbeknown to him, he had surgery a few years ago, for osteoarthritis in his knee, that resulted in one leg been shorter than the other. That short leg caused all sorts of issues with his gait and back pain, which wasn't picked up by his GP or Physio. I picked it up whilst watching him walk. It was quite noticeable that his pelvis was dropping down on the right, resulting in a significant subluxation of his Hips/Pelvis thus affecting his lower back. I took measurements and found he had a 10mm difference in height between his 2 legs. After fitting him with a heel raise, his back pain disappeared. My patient was really happy because his previous back pain had stopped him from doing many activities. These sort of outcomes are very satisfying because I feel I am making a difference in people's lives and health.'
If you have some sort of pain, either in your feet, knees or back, maybe we can make a difference for you.
Please ring the Kingston Beach Health Centre on 6229 9844 to make an appointment, or book online at
Why suffer a moment longer ...