Heel Pain - We are the Professionals by David Webby.
Last week Daniel Lewis and David Webby, Podiatrists from Kingston Beach Health Centre, attended a ‘Reptile Rescue Incorporated’ workshop run by Natalie Rivers, on how to handle snakes.
David says ‘he really enjoyed the workshop and was amazed how his fear as well as the other participants, diminished during the day. I think Natlalie’s professionalism and knowledge helped allay people’s fears.’
He goes on to say ‘that Podiatrists pride themselves on their Professionalism and expertise in treating many foot and leg conditions, such as Heel Pain.’
The Podiatry association reports that Heel Pain is one of the most common conditions that Podiatrist treat. On their website www.apodc.com.au, It says ‘Heel Pain is caused by higher arches or feet that role in too much, stress from injury to the soft tissues around the heel from walking, running, or jumping, poorly constructed footwear, or being significantly overweight. Middle aged Men and women are most commonly affected, but it can also occur with children who are very active with sporting activities.’
Daniel says ‘the most common Heel Pain condition is Planter Fasciitis. It can often be confused with Heel spurs, which usually occur due to the irritation of the Planter Fascia, where it inserts into the planter aspect of the Heel or Calcaneus.’
At Kingston Beach Health centre, approximately 75% of new patient’s present with symptoms of Heel Pain or Planter Fasciitis.
David says ‘Professional assessment of your posture, feet and shoes, can give a bigger picture of the stresses that could lead to Heel Pain. From there a treatment plan involving stretching, footwear and Orthotic devices can make a great impact on the alignment of your body, and take pressure off your feet, knees and lower back’
For a comprehensive assessment book an appointment with one of our Podiatrist at Kingston Beach Health Centre at 2 Recreation Street, Kingston Beach. Phone 6229 9844, or visit www.daniellewispodiatry.com for further information.
